Catching Up

Sometime after posting the Happy Easter message I ended up in hospital and there I stayed for a few days.  I had had terrible abdominal and chest pains. Turns out I have a kidney and urine infection and I’ve been feeling rather iffy for a few days (and nothing like being stuck in hospital to make me feel ‘iffier’).

On the plus side I finished the baby blanket and got some reading done – will post up about that next week to link in with Yarn Along, etc (now I’ve *finally* got something finished), plus post up the pics from our recent afternoon trip out and also catch up with some pics of some of the Main Lesson work Nin and been doing.  I have been slowly adding bits and pieces to the Resources pages and will also start on a Grade 3 page listing plans for Nin (although I have covered Grade 3 before, many moons ago, with my 17 year old – crikey time does fly!)

I’ll get there 🙂


The above is rather what I’ve been wanting to do today, I feel washed out and in need of some recuperation.  Oh to be a cat, it seems like the majority of photos I ever take of them involves one or t’other of them with all four legs in the air 🙂
I’ve been adding a little to the various pages on here (ideally I’d like to sort out the header, but can’t access my image-editing software).  I had hoped to link in with other blogs for the stash-busting crocheting I’ve been doing at the moment and also write a little about the first steps we’re taking in the garden (initial tidying and preparing the ground to get some seeds and plants in, although, admittedly, I’ve been doing a lot more directing than actual gardening as bending over a lot isn’t doing my bump and back any favours).
I finally wrote an About page with a bit more information about me and my approach to home education.  Chances are I’ll add and change bits as time goes on, but it may be of interest to someone.
Aside from that, roll on bedtime, I’m looking forward to being all tucked up and cosy.

Thank you

To everyone that posted their good wishes, both on here and through Facebook (I forgot my blog fed through there).  It means alot, thank you.

Yes it's been a while…

Time has a funny habit of slowing to a crawl and then speeding up and slipping away through your fingers. I know I’ve been quiet, I’ve sort of wanted to blog but couldn’t quite get up the impetus to do so. My husband is moving some 2 hours away. Without the rest of us. I’m not really that sad.