Everyday Beauty:: 20

This is a true everyday beauty. I’ve mentioned it before, but still it makes my heart sing that Stinkers kisses Nin and Ted goodnight and waves and waves and waves with such utter sincerity and joy. Absolutely in the moment – she loves her sister and brother – her joy in slowly climbing up the stairs, pushing into their rooms, kissing and embracing them, it absolutely shining so bright I can see the light emanating from their love.

There isn’t a camera on earth that can catch that moment.

Joining in with My So Called Life {and Other Lies} for ‘A Month of Everyday Beauty’.

A Month of Everyday Beauty: 9

Again with the ‘no photo’ – but the joy on Stinker’s face as she climbs the stairs to give Nin and Ted a kiss goodnight is something magical to behold and truly a moment of everyday beauty.

Joining in with My So Called Life {and Other Lies} for ‘A Month of Everyday Beauty’.