Whilst the sun shines

There’s been precious little sunshine to be had of late and plenty of (much needed) rain.  So when there was a break in the weather we went for a walk (I don’t have a problem with walking in the rain, except for when heavily pregnant and nothing waterproof fits over the bump!)

This pond was pretty much dry before!

Water had pooled in every nook and cranny it could – walking through the field we had to hop over random small pools of water.

We saw plenty of rabbits hiding away in the rhododendrons in the woods, which were just coming into bloom (I bet they’re lovely now and need to go back to see!)

Ted’s getting very brave on the tree-climbing front.  Not so long ago he would’ve shied away from going so high by himself.

The playing fields were carpeted with dandelions.

These clouds looked odd, blue lined in front of the larger white clouds beyond.

I’ve still got quite a bit to catch up on on the blog front (I have a little list now, which I keep looking at and then ignoring).  I know I’m overdue writing about what we’ve been up to on the home-ed front of late and I also really need to pull my finger out and get more planning done ready for September (and before this baby comes, which is really not so far away now) – life keeps on happening and not leaving much time for much else – although it would help if I spent less time on Pinterest and Facebook, it’s so easy to slip into when you’re tired and then reading articles about lessening your time on t’internet is, well, rather ironic… and of course, I wouldn’t know anything about that sort of thing *walks off whistling*

Really would be better served doing something like knitting or crochet instead, but my mojo (and energy) just seems to have gone *poof*.  I’m sure that nesting thing is supposed to kick in sometime soon…

3 thoughts on “Whilst the sun shines

  1. sunnysideupmama.com says:

    Hello-Just found your blog and wanted to say hello as well as thank you for listing my blog, sunnysideupmama.com in your side bar. Happy to know you and share this wonderful waldorf, home schooling, motherhood journey with you!All the best,Mariah


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