A Month of Everyday Beauty

Debbie, over at the wonderful My So-called Life {and other lies} is currently running a series of blog link-ups on “A Month of Everyday Beauty”.

I don’t have a beautifully composed photo (the reasons why will become clear) but I do have a little story. Maybe mundane to most, but to me it was special.

I have some issues with insomnia – well, I have some issues with anxiety and the anxiety begets insomnia, but anyway, I digress – typically I seem to wake up at around 3am  and am then awake for a few hours before finally dropping off again at about 6am.  Normally I would just get up, potter about a bit, have a cup of herbal tea, BUT, since November we have been sleeping downstairs due to issues with a leaking roof (now fixed, but we’re waiting for the bedroom to dry out and to replace our damaged mattress) and so, I don’t have the option of pottering about, so I just lie there, on the sofa bed pondering life, the universe and everything (and what led to the answer being 42…)

I glanced to my side, where there is a large plastic storage box atop a pouffe (waiting for me to get round to sorting it out in this week of clearing) and, sitting atop, I see a perfect, squat little Totoro .  In the darkness and shadows I marvelled at this little figure, down to his bit creamy belly against the grey and his cat-like ears.

It was, far more mundanely, one of Anna’s feeder cups – in daylight a rather day-glo variety of pinks, but in the darkness, shadows cast from the lamps outside, it really did look like Totoro.

And that made me happy.

I forgot my frustrations at being unable to sleep and smiled.

No, I didn’t go back to sleep (that would’ve been far too simple) but I felt better about my lack of sleep and, every-so-often, whilst contemplating Bigger Things, I looked to my side and Totoro still squatted beside me and it made everything ok.

NB: And no photo as it was very, very dark and there was no way I could’ve captured the trick of the light.

3 thoughts on “A Month of Everyday Beauty

  1. Qalballah says:

    It seems odd that for no apparent reason when life is really testing us we still find joy in the simplest of things. Fingers crossed for a dry room and ease to your anxieties. xxx


  2. sustainablemum says:

    What a lovely post. I am sorry you have difficulty sleeping that must make each day much harder.

    You are right that when we find those small ordinary things it can help to out some of life’s bigger things into perspective and help find a way through 🙂


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